Grant proposals are considered from established tax-exempt organizations and institutions whose purposes are charitable or educational, primarily established in the greater Salt Lake metropolitan area. Applicant organizations must have a 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt status to be eligible to apply. Proof of 501(c)(3) status is required. Private individuals or lobbying organizations are not eligible to apply.
The R. Harold Burton Foundation does not sponsor or contribute to fundraising dinners, golf tournaments, races or other similar events. Donations are normally not provided to start-up groups or new programs. The Foundation does not fund undifferentiated overhead expenses or endowments. Due to restrictions within the funding guidelines, we cannot contribute to private individuals, even through a church or other non-profit organization.
The Board will consider all eligible proposals.
Application Periods
The Board of Directors meets two times per calendar year to consider grant requests – in the spring and in the fall. Funding applications can be submitted beginning in January, with a cut-off date of February 15th for the spring funding period, and a cut-off date of August 15th for the fall funding period. Should the 15th fall on a weekend or holiday in either February or August, the cut-off date is the following Monday or the day following the holiday.
Organizations may only submit one application for consideration each year. Applications may be carried over for consideration into a future period at the Board’s discretion.
2025 Grant Submission Deadlines:
First Period
- Applications received by:
- Applications reviewed from:
- Notification of approval or rejection by:
- Grants paid out in:
Second Period
- Applications received by:
- Applications reviewed from:
- Notification of approval or rejection by:
- Grants paid out in:
Instructions for Completing the Application
The Foundation has a specific application for you to use. You will find that application in MS Word or PDF format. Either one will allow you to fill in the information.
The Foundation is interested in a detailed, complete application for a specific project. It requires a full accounting of the expenditure of all grant money and an accurate report detailing the success of the specific project, if funded.
The Foundation requests one hard copy, which MUST be mailed to us (we do not accept e-mail applications), of the application printed on white paper (please do not print on both sides of the paper). Follow the specific application format provided. Information should be kept brief and to the point. Applications should not be condensed by printing them in a smaller font size. Include the full name, address, and telephone number of your organization. Exhibits may be attached if they clearly illustrate specific concepts relevant to the application.
- Describe your purpose and/or mission. Provide the name(s) and direct telephone number(s) of the Board Chairperson, Organization Head and designated contact, including titles, within your organization.
- Provide a detailed description of the program/project for which you are soliciting funds (not more than 200 words). Include all relevant facts regarding the program/project in the proposal itself. Do not rely upon a cover letter to communicate pertinent information not included in the application.
- Indicate the number of paid staff employed by your organization.
- Provide key staff positions and annual salaries. (This information will be kept confidential)
- Include the specific amount you are seeking via this application (do not include ranges); the total amount to fund the project; your organization’s annual budget; and any previous annual dollar support for your organization from the Burton Foundation.
- Indicate the month and year when your project will begin and end.
- Indicate the month and year when the requested funds are needed.
- List all individuals and organizations from whom you are seeking contributions, but who have not yet responded to your request. Include the amount you are seeking.
- List each committed donor for this program/project. Include amounts pledged or already received for this program/project.
- List the names and profession of the board members of your organization. Please do not include addresses.
- The application must include the following:
- A detailed budget for the program/project for which you are requesting a grant
- A copy of the current year’s annual budget for your organization
- A copy of the most recent audited financial statements for your organization
- The name/address of the individual or organization preparing these financial documents
- Attach your 501(c)(3) IRS Exemption Letter.
- Attach a copy of your organization’s most current tax return (990PF). PLEASE NOTE: IF your tax return is lengthy, we only need the first part of your return. WE DO NOT NEED all the schedules.